Linear Algebra
Three courses for a comprehensive learning of linear algebra
Linear Algebra in the Euclidean Plane
The Mathedu course for Linear Algebra in the Euclidean Plane is specifically designed for institutions with a scientific or technical undergraduate or graduate curriculum. This module is typically included in a curriculum that also includes a module of general linear algebra, as well as Calculus I, II and III.
Linear Algebra in Any Dimension: Matrices and Linear Systems
The upcoming course (2025) of general linear algebra about the matrices and linear systems will be specifically designed for institutions with a scientific or technical undergraduate or graduate curriculum. This module is typically included in a curriculum that also includes a module of general linear algebra, as well as Calculus I, II and III.
Linear Algebra in Any Dimension: Vector Spaces and Linear Mappings
The upcoming course (2026) of general linear algebra about the vector spaces end linear mappings will be specifically designed for institutions with a scientific or technical undergraduate or graduate curriculum. This module is typically included in a curriculum that also includes a module of general linear algebra, as well as Calculus I, II and III.